Thursday, November 17, 2016

How can this be happening?  During the past 10 or so years, I have become increasingly frustrated at my inability to communicate effectively with everyone.  The volume of my speech and my articulation suffered.  I actually took the speech therapy course, LOUD, at St. Joseph's Hospital in Atlanta, but, there was not a lot of carry over for me- laziness on my part.  I worked harder to be understood by friends, but did not work when I talked to Nancy.  My speech was slurred and not loud enough.  Therefore, everything I said was followed by "what?" which was tiresome for both of us and led to more frustration on both our parts.

This past summer at an appointment with my neurologist, he mentioned the program BIG and how successful it was for Parkinson's patients.  Nancy called and they said that they probably would not have an opening until December.  However, they called a few weeks ago and I've begun the program.

First, I have to say that this freaked me out.  I'm very cognizant of my difficulties walking, speaking, thinking.  I have fallen more often than I would like to admit.  I am sometimes reluctant to stand close to another person for fear  that I will fall and take them down with me.  I was very nervous about attending the class.  I've undergone invasive DBS surgery and was less nervous going through that than I was about this. After the first evaluation which included a few exercises, I was ready to quit because I felt so inferior.  Our 19 year old granddaughter said to me, "why do you think you're special?  They see hundreds of patients, probably some worse off than you.  They take you where you are and try to help you. You have to be willing to work."  That did it. I bought in hook, line, and sinker.

It's amazing how my psychological health influences my life.  DUH! HA! I have already learned in two sessions how to get into bed and out of bed without needing Nancy to help.  I'm also much better in getting out of chairs.  I'm practicing the exercises every day and I believe that at the end of the sessions, 4 weeks with 4 days a week, I'll be much better.  I'm actually speaking louder also.  Speaking louder helps my articulation.

Maybe, you can teach an old dog a few new tricks.

I've begun taking RYTARY instead of the 25/100 carbidopa/levadopa I took so long.  It has evened out the on/off time I felt with my old regimen.

In short, I have a lot to be thankful for.  We have talked with and met so many people since all the hoopla following the introduction of Tasigna October a year ago..  I'm happy to say that there are more people every day who get their neurologists to prescribe Tasigna.  Some are seeing huge changes and some are not.  Life is a crap shoot!  The Canadian pharmacies who are making money off of all of us are very happy. HA!

We hope you all have wonderful Thanksgivings with those you love and that life is good for you now and in the future.  Life is improving at the Hoffman's.